Blog & Articles

Blog & Articles2019-02-12T11:41:47-06:00

Trading Old Camera Gear for New Inspiration

Recently, Photo Pro, my local camera store had a Cash for Cameras promotion. The invited people to bring in their old camera gear and exchange it for cash. Even better, if you took in house [...]

Why I Love to Rent Camera Gear Before I Buy

I don't know of anyone who would argue with me that camera gear isn't expensive. If you're serious about photographing nature and wildlife, I'm sure you've checked out prices for fast camera lenses and robust [...]

Coming Soon

A New Chapter Will Begin for Nature Photo Studios in :  

Seven Simple Things You Can Do On This Earth Day

How appropriate that today on Earth Day, I'm alone in the Utah wilderness watching an incoming storm cast a double rainbow above a magnificent canyon! The first Earth day was started April 22, 1970  The [...]

Monday Sanity Saver February 18, 2019

Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. ~Michael Jordan

Monday Sanity Saver February 11, 2019

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work. ~ A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Monday Sanity Saver February 4, 2019

Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish. ~Brad Henry

Monday Sanity Saver January 28, 2019

Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not clichés but [...]

The Super Blood Wolf Moon of 2019

Last night, January 20, 2019,  I was able to photograph the Super Blood Wolf Moon The January full moon is called the "Wolf Moon". The "Wolf Moon" gets its name from Native American tribes and [...]

Monday Sanity Saver January 21, 2019

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to [...]

Goals for 2019

If you wanted to read about my photography goals for 2019... I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired when it comes to making goals every year and not reaching them. Recently, I went [...]

End of Year Survey

I Need Your Help My goal, my purpose for being here is to make a difference for nature and wildlife. I try to do that in several ways. One of those ways is hopefully what [...]

Photographing Synchronous Fireflies

You may not know who he is but if you've ever seen amazing images of fireflies on the internet, it's a pretty safe bet that Radim Schreiber was the person behind the camera that created [...]

A to Z Challenge 2017

The 2017 A to Z Challenge is 26 posts Monday through Saturday for the month of April. The topic of each post is about a letter of the alphabet. The first post's topic is [...]

It’s Been A While

It's been a while since my last post so I thought I would bring you up to speed on what's been happening. The biggest news since my last post is that I was hired as [...]

Being Out In Nature Is Never A Waste Of Time

I'm always trying to be a better nature and wildlife filmmaker. Every day I try to get a little more insight into animal behavior, plant identification, weather, anything that helps me capture footage of the [...]

It’s About Perspective Not Awards

It's been a few years but I finally got up the gumption to enter a couple of my short films in the Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival. If you know me, I'm not only my own worst [...]

Filmmaking Naturally’s Five Most Popular Posts

I love filming nature and wildlife! I love sharing what I've discovered and filmed as well as sharing my workflow and beliefs. Some posts resonate more with people than others. I thought I'd post the [...]

2015 Goals For Filming Nature and Wildlife

My typical method for filming nature and wildlife it to visit a location and film whatever catches my eye. There's certainly nothing wrong with that as it's worked for me for many, many years resulting [...]

Sometimes It’s The Gear Sometimes It’s Not

I read a recent article by nature and wildlife photographer Mark Graf of Graf Nature Photography about meeting a man that said "Nature wasn't meant to be photographed." His meaning was that nature is so [...]

Using Color To Stand Out From The Crowd

In an earlier article I talked about music as one of the three things tha caused former Indian Creek Nature Center director Rich Patterson to say ""I like yours because they are outstanding and very [...]

Camera Or Vision?

Recently a photographer posed the question, would you rather have the best camera system in the world (price is no object) or learning to truly see (you could spot artistic compositions anywhere), which would you [...]

It’s Not The Gear That Makes The Filmmaker

How many times have you said to yourself, if only I had (insert some piece of filmmaking gear) I'd be able to shoot better footage? I know I've said it dozens, hundreds, heck maybe even [...]

5 Reasons Why You SHOULD Film Clichés

Even though I'm a nature and wildlife filmmaker I still browse photography websites from time to time. The two are so close together that what often applies to one applies to the other. My latest [...]

Happy Holidays From Filmmaking Naturally

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you had a great holiday! I look forward to sharing my love of nature and wildlife and how to better capture both on video with you in the coming new [...]

Marooned Without a Compass

Why do you film nature and wildlife? I've always loved anything that had to do with animals. My parents have an old 8mm film of me trying to feed an apple to a rocking horse [...]

Wildlife Filmmaking – It’s All About Being There!

Whenever I meet another seasoned nature and wildlife filmmaker, the conversation invariably evolves into our favorite moments that we've experienced out in the field. When I was first trying to learn wildlife filmmaking my conversations [...]

Should Wildlife Filmmakers Share Information?

I was watching a nature and wildlife photography show the other day. Two nature photographers were going back to a place where there were some fantastic flowers growing tall against a blue sky. When they [...]

Filming Nature: Capturing the Partial Solar Eclipse

As a nature and wildlife filmmaker, weather and more importantly, the sun plays an important role in the video footage I capture. Overcast days can make woodland wildflowers look fantastic but make a landscape dull [...]

Are You Filming Illegally in our National Parks?

As a nature and wildlife filmmaker, Yellowstone was one of my favorite locations in the United States to film nature and wildlife. Every year, millions of tourists, photographers and filmmakers travel to America's first national [...]

Using Peaking in Panasonic’s HPX-250

In addition to the 22X zoom and AVC-Intra codec, another one of my favorite features of Panasonic's AG-HPX-250 is peaking. Basically peaking is electronically "highlighting" the edges of your subject. My HPX-170 has peaking but [...]

Panasonic’s AG-HPX250 Zoom Demonstration

Over the last couple of days I've had an opportunity to test Panasonic's new HD camera the AG-HPX250. Panasonic has taken the guts of a over the shoulder camera and placed them inside the body [...]

Beginner’s Guide to Shooting Nature & Wildlife Video

Get on the mailing list for Beginner's Guide to Shooting Nature and Wildlife Online Filmmaking Course! Whenever I'm filming nature and wildlife in some location I'm almost always asked what's the best camera to buy [...]

In the Company of Wolves

  Everyone has a defining moment that somehow ends up shaping their future. For me it was filming a wolf pack in Northern Minnesota. I had recently made the switch to shooting HD video and [...]

Introducing Filmmaking Naturally

Filmmaking Naturally, online video tutorials assist you in your quest to obtain better wildlife and nature footage. Award winning cinematographer Kevin J Railsback shares his decades of experience obtaining stunning imagery of the natural world. [...]


  1. Deepa December 1, 2016 at 3:19 am

    Nice blog and photography!!

  2. Sharon January 5, 2018 at 7:02 pm

    Such an amazing collection of photographs.

    Especially love the cat.

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The eyes of a tiger. Life through a Siberian tigers eyes

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