
Seven Simple Things You Can Do On This Earth Day

How appropriate that today on Earth Day, I'm alone in the Utah wilderness watching an incoming storm cast a double rainbow above a magnificent canyon! The first Earth day was started April 22, 1970  The idea came to founder Gaylord Nelson, a Senator from Wisconsin after witnessing the damage caused by a massive oil spill [...]

By |2019-04-22T13:51:17-05:00April 22nd, 2019|Categories: Nature Photo Studios Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Filmmakers And Their Understated Value Toward The Conservation Of This World

Nature and Wildlife Filmmakers Can Make a Difference Nature and Wildlife Filmmakers play an integral part to making the citizens of the world aware of the dangers or injustices being done to nature and wildlife, the environment, the Eco-system and to Planet Earth. Filmmakers travel around the world researching and capturing real-life events that none [...]

Beginner’s Guide to Shooting Nature & Wildlife Video

Get on the mailing list for Beginner's Guide to Shooting Nature and Wildlife Online Filmmaking Course! Whenever I'm filming nature and wildlife in some location I'm almost always asked what's the best camera to buy or what's the best this or that. The truth is if you're just getting into filming wildlife and nature it [...]

Silent Kingdom

Silent Kingdom is a short film that deals with the ever-increasing rate of species extinction, global warming and other issues that are destroying our planet. As a nature and wildlife filmmaker, it's important for me to make people aware of what's going on with our planet and its inhabitants. For me it's where all my [...]

The eyes of a tiger. Life through a Siberian tigers eyes

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