

Lament of the Milky Way

A night under dark skies is truly something everyone should experience. We are after all, made of star-dust.

The Standing People

Nature and wildlife filmmaking usually present enough of a challenge as it is. But when I found out that the annual DVC/UWOL Charity Film Challenge was about to take place, I knew I had to [...]

California Dreaming

Without a doubt filming nature and wildlife is my passion. So when my wife and I travelled to San Francisco to attend a good friend's wedding, I made sure I packed my video gear to [...]

Africa: A Moment in Time

Filming nature and wildlife in Africa has always been a dream of mine. The opportunity to film nature in one of the last truly wild places on Earth left me with an even great appreciation [...]

The River

When it comes to filming nature and wildlife I'd have to say that water ranks right up there as one of my favorite subjects. I guess it's no wonder that my sign is Pisces. Whenever [...]


Probably one of my all time favorite places to film has to be Yellowstone National Park. I guess you could say I cut my filming teeth in Yellowstone. The park has such a diversity of [...]

Silent Kingdom

Silent Kingdom is a short film that deals with the ever-increasing rate of species extinction, global warming and other issues that are destroying our planet. As a nature and wildlife filmmaker, it's important for me [...]

The Prairie

When the first settlers reached the borders of what is now Iowa, it must have been a very different world that they saw stretching before them, swaying slightly in the breeze. The prairie grasses ran [...]

Journey to the Sea

Follow along as storm clouds gather and a drop of rain falls from the sky and begins its journey to the sea. And as always, shoot the ordinary and make it extraordinary!

Whispers of Winter

I love to film nature during the winter. The woods fall silent, the air is crisp, the sky the brightest blue. It's a great time as well for wildlife filming if you're dressed warmly and [...]

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The eyes of a tiger. Life through a Siberian tigers eyes

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