How appropriate that today on Earth Day, I’m alone in the Utah wilderness watching an incoming storm cast a double rainbow above a magnificent canyon!
The first Earth day was started April 22, 1970 The idea came to founder Gaylord Nelson, a Senator from Wisconsin after witnessing the damage caused by a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969.
The first Earth Day saw 20 million Americans demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment.
In 1990 Denis Hayes organized another big campaign. This time, it went global with 200 million people from 141 countries bringing environmental issues to everyone’s attention.
This year 5000 environmental groups in 184 countries will reach out to hundreds of millions of people.
The fight for a clean environment continues with an ever greater urgency.
So What Can You Do?
Go Paperless. Switch all your bills to online e-bills and online invoices.
Recycle! Most communities have recycling programs. Every item you recycle keeps it out of a landfill and reduces the energy needed to create products from recycled materials.
Check your water faucets. A drop every few seconds adds up to a lot of waster water over the course of a year.
Plant a tree. Not only do trees provide habitat and shelter for wildlife but they also provide us with oxygen. As civilization expands, it’s more vital now than ever.
Don’t drink bottled water. The amount of plastic used to provide bottled water is staggering! If you’re worried about the water from your tap, install a water filter.
Change your light bulbs. LED and CFI light bulbs not only last longer but they use far less energy than outdated incandescent light bulbs.
Get out and enjoy nature! There’s nothing like a hike in nature to lift your spirits and help you realize the importance of maintaining a healthy environment.
As you can see, it doesn’t really take much to make a difference.
Let me know in the comments below if you have other suggestion on how we can protect the environment. I’d love you hear from you!

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