“Never let anyone come between you and your camera. That’s my rule #1”
Those were the words one of my good friends and fellow filmmaker messaged me when I told him that I hadn’t picked up my camera in over a month over the end of a relationship.
I had written a previous post about how it’s important to get out in the field even if you don’t feel like it. And I knew that if I would just go out, I’d feel better and I’d get my filmmaking mojo back.
The weather was terrible, my mood was terrible and all I really felt like doing was staying in and not do much of anything.
In talking it over with my filmmaker pal from Norway he told me those fateful words. I knew he was right.
So I made myself pick up my gear and headed out to my favorite haunt, the Indian Creek Nature Center. It’s my home away from home. I know it so well that it just fits me like a well-worn pair of slippers.
There’s one particular spot where if the water isn’t too high there will always be some small rapids. If you know me then you know water is my thing. I love filming it and I knew if the rapids were there, it would be the medicine I needed to get back out again on a regular basis.
The rapids were not only there but they were beautiful. They’re very small and most people would probably ignore them but to me, they were just what I needed.
I filmed until sunset then headed home, my desire to get back out and film was back.
We had an Alberta Clipper roar through during the night and the scene at the little rapids had changed drastically. Ice was already forming and I became mesmerized by the water flowing under the ice formations. Again, I filmed until sunset marveling at the difference a single day can make in nature.
While it won’t win any academy awards or make a difference in anyones lives, it made a difference to me.
It just reinforces my original thought that no matter how badly you don’t want to go out and film, you really need too.
Just do it, trust me. Nature will recharge your batteries and is the sure-fire cure for whatever ails you.
And as always, shoot the ordinary and make it extraordinary!
Totally agree with you – on both counts. Artists tend to be sensitive and to let negative emotions get the best of us, but usually just getting back into creating can make a world of difference in how we feel.
Great post and well done for getting back out there. Nature really does have a way of recharging our batteries.
No matter how down or tired I am, nature always picks me up. I think a lot of people don’t realize how much we need nature in our lives!
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