Kevin J Railsback

About Kevin J Railsback

Emmy nominated filmmaker and photographer Kevin J Railsback has traveled as far as Africa to test HD cameras for Panasonic. His stunning nature and wildlife footage has appeared in productions on National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel as well as in commercials for such corporate giants as AT&T.

Determination – Brings Results When Filming Nature and Wildlife

 Regal Fritillary butterflies are pretty rare in my neck of the tallgrass prairie. A few have been spotted over the years but their locations have been kept secret to protect them and their habitat. Regal fritillaries have the sad distinction of being a rare butterfly in a rare habitat. Only one tenth of one percent of [...]

By |2016-11-06T09:38:57-06:00April 5th, 2016|Categories: A to Z Challenge 2016|0 Comments

Editing Nature and Wildlife Footage with a Color Mask

Sometimes the hardest part about nature and wildlife filmmaking is editing. You can shoot the most incredible footage but if your goal is to make films from your footage, you need to learn to edit. Editing however is more than just trimming clips down to size, placing them on a timeline and adding some music [...]

Tracking Film Gear for Peace of Mind

Traveling with Film Gear is Never Easy It's no secret that when travelling to film nature and wildlife you want to take as much gear as possible. You never know what you will need and you can be sure that if you didn't bring it, you will be in a filming situation where you wish [...]

By |2019-01-14T12:29:16-06:00December 3rd, 2015|Categories: Reviews|0 Comments

4 Reasons Why You Should Document Your Surroundings on Video

One of filmmaking's greatest strengths is its immediacy. You may think you live in dull surroundings, but the camera captures and frames things the human eye may overlook. Furthermore, it captures a precise span of time, moments that could prove to be important in ways or to people you may never have imagined. Filming nature [...]

By |2016-11-06T09:39:00-06:00August 18th, 2015|Categories: Nature Photo Studios Blog|1 Comment

Fire in the Sky

It's not often that I film subjects outside of nature and wildlife. However, I think the challenge of going outside your comfort zone by shooting different situations makes you a better filmmaker. So here is an evening of fireworks in the small town I used to live in a few years ago. I think they [...]

By |2016-11-06T09:39:00-06:00July 3rd, 2015|Categories: Seasonal|0 Comments
The eyes of a tiger. Life through a Siberian tigers eyes

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