Kevin J Railsback

About Kevin J Railsback

Emmy nominated filmmaker and photographer Kevin J Railsback has traveled as far as Africa to test HD cameras for Panasonic. His stunning nature and wildlife footage has appeared in productions on National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel as well as in commercials for such corporate giants as AT&T.

Serenity in Sixty Seconds ~ Tallgrass Prairie Sunrise

Picture a cloudy day. The sky is low and heavy, pushing on both the body and the soul. The people around you feel weighted down by the weather, as though to match the grey with their emotions. Suddenly, the sun burns victoriously through the clouds and misery. Every face brightens. With its many cheerful rays [...]

Serenity in Sixty Seconds ~ Silent Snowfall

The Serenity of Falling Snow Many scenes in nature can have a calming effect on individuals. One in particular in the image of falling snow. It is common for people to sit at there windows during a snow fall, watching it come down. Also, it can be relaxing to stand out in the snow, letting [...]

Serenity in Sixty Seconds ~ Montana Stream

Serenity And Water: The Pulse Of Life Water is blood to the earth. Without its flowing rivers, pounding into the arteries of oceans and seas, and the crashing cascade of waterfalls, the earth would dry up and die. Even individuals removed from water for too long begin to feel a dryness inside which no amount [...]

Serenity in Sixty Seconds ~ Montana Waterfall

Montana Waterfall The voices of nature have a profound effect on our state of mind, making us calmer, relaxed, and in complete control of our being. One such whisper of the wild is the sound of falling water such as that of a waterfall. The sound reminds us of the trying struggle the river braves [...]

Serenity in Sixty Seconds ~ Mists in the Trees

Imagine this: it is the dawn of a new day. It is the start of a beautiful fall morning and nature is beckoning. How do you respond? Fall is a favourite season for many as the days are warm and the nights are cool. This is a video of the sun backlighting the mist in [...]

Practice Nature and Wildlife Filmmaking to Hone Your Skills

The saying goes once you learn how to ride a bike you'll never forget. Well, that may be true but I can tell you from experience that doesn't mean you'll be any good at it. I'm a firm believer that there are three things every nature cinematographer must work on if they want to reach [...]

Don’t Blow Unexpected Wildlife Filming Opportunities

Ever have one of those days when you're out filming nature and wildlife and something happens that makes you realize that no matter how long you look through a viewfinder, nature will always take you back to school and teach you a lesson? I had one of those days last week. I've been working hard [...]

Tallgrass Prairie Insects Make Filming Nature Vibrant

If you drive pass the tallgrass prairie of the Great Plains it is easy to think that there is very little going on given the relative lack of large animals. Yet nature is never what it seems at first glance and the vibrant prairies of the plains states are thriving with an ecology that has [...]

By |2019-02-07T07:26:25-06:00June 16th, 2012|Categories: Nature Photo Studios Blog|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Filming Nature: Capturing the Partial Solar Eclipse

As a nature and wildlife filmmaker, weather and more importantly, the sun plays an important role in the video footage I capture. Overcast days can make woodland wildflowers look fantastic but make a landscape dull and lifeless. Clouds can add impact to a clear blue sky or thwart your attempt to film the super moon [...]

By |2019-02-07T07:30:40-06:00May 20th, 2012|Categories: Nature Photo Studios Blog|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
The eyes of a tiger. Life through a Siberian tigers eyes

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